
Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Sitting with Picasso", by k Madison Moore, Mt Pocono PA Artist

Sitting with Picasso

11 x 14 Oil Painting on Canvas

Art within Art Series


I have had so many requests to paint more Art within Art of particular
artists. Here is another Picasso.
Thanks to all my fans and collectors for your suggestions and
letting me know what your favorite artists are. I am happy to design
works after these wonderful artists and never seem to run out of ideas.
This series is so much fun!

Here we have six of Picasso's ladies sitting and waiting...possibly
for the man himself? I always wonder why he painted their faces
in such a distorted way? Is this really how he saw them? Was this
through the eyes of a sober man? Was he laughing when he painted
them? LOL! I was!

This painting was completed last week before the flu hit my entire
family again so it will be a little while before I post another. I am
just getting a bit of steam back so hopefully will be back in the studio
again and painting soon. "Sitting with Picasso" is dry and ready to
ship.  Enjoy!

Contact Madison Here

Comments always help blogs so would be greatly appreciated
If you follow me, I will follow you.

Check out Picasso's full name: Wow!

Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso known as Pablo Ruiz Picasso
 25 October 25,1881 – April 8,1973) was a  Spanish Painter and Draughtsman,
 and Sculptor  who lived most of his adult life in France. He is best known
for co-founding the Cubistmovement and for the wide variety of styles embodied
 in his work.

In 1907 Picasso painted Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (Mus. of Modern
Art, New York City), a radical departure from the artistic ideas of the
 preceding ages and now considered the most significant work in the
development toward cubism and modern abstraction (see modern art).
 The influence of Cézanne and of African sculpture is apparent in its
 fragmented forms and unprecedented distortions.

In his later years Picasso turned to creations of fantasy and comic
invention. He worked consistently in sculpture, ceramics, and in the
 graphic arts, producing thousands of superb drawings, illustrations,
 and stage designs. With unabated vigor he painted brilliant variations
 on the works of other masters, including Delacroix and Velázquez,
and continued to explore new aspects of his personal vision until his death.
Read more about Picasso Here

“Unlike in music, there are no child prodigies in painting. What
 people regard as premature genius is the genius of childhood.
.It gradually disappears as they get older. It is possible for
such a child to become a real painter one day, perhaps even a
great painter. But he would have to start right from the
beginning.genius. My first drawings could never have
been shown at an exhibition of children’s drawings.
 I lacked the clumsiness of a child, his naivety. I made
academic drawings at the age of seven, the minute precision
of which frightened me.” -- Picasso.



  1. Hi Madison,
    Another wonderful painting! And thanks again for sharing so much information with us!

  2. Thanks so much Carol. My pleasure always to share.
    M :)

  3. Another 1 that caught my eye. Beautiful. RK

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