
Monday, October 10, 2011

Matisse Inspired Painting, Secret Lover by k Madison Moore

Secret Lover
Inspired by Henri Matisse

48 x 60
Oil Painting on Canvas

Art within Art Series


I Have always had an attraction for hats. I just love
Big Hats! If I lived in the time when women wore
hats all the time I would have had an entire wardrobe
of them. I never wear them because I look terrible in
them. Maybe that why I'm attracted!
On this painting I used softer colors then I
usually use but still with a lot of depth of color
created by using several layers of glazes in many
colors. It creates an interesting effect.
Wonder who the Secret Lover is?
Maybe Miss Lady in the Matisse paintings
will tell us?


Matisse Life
Henri Emile Benoît Matisse was born in a tiny, tumbledown weaver's cottage on the rue du Chêne Arnaud in the textile town of Le Cateau-Cambrésis at eight o'clock in the evening on the last night of the year, 31 December 1869 (Le Cateau-Cambrésis  is in the extreme north of  France near the Belgian border). The house had two rooms, a beaten earth floor and a leaky roof. Matisse said long afterwards that rain fell through a hole above the bed in which he was born. Matisse’s ancestors had lived in the area for centuries before the convulsive social and industrial upheavals of the nineteenth century. Matisse grew up in a world that was still detaching itself from a way of life in some ways unchanged since Roman times. The coming of the railway had put Bohain on the industrial map, but people still traveled everywhere on foot or horseback.
This is a really informative website about Matisse. If you want to continue reading about him 
Stolen Picasso And Matisse Works Possibly
'Crushed In A Rubbish Truck'

It was the perfect heist: sleeping museum guards, a broken alarm system, $140 million in loot, a police hunt that lasted over a year... there was just one problem. The paintings, including a Picasso and Matisse, ended up in the trash; according to The Guardian, while the investigation was underway, one of the suspects "panicked and destroyed the canvasses before throwing them into a rubbish bin."
Early in the morning of May 20, 2010, a lone, masked burglar entered the Paris Museum of Modern Art by removing the screws of a window, originally intending to steal Fernand Leger's 'Still Life With Candlestick.' However upon cutting the painting from its frame, he discovered the alarm was broken; it was later discovered that the alarm had been broken for over a month prior to the theft. He then proceeded to walk around the museum for over an hour, picking up four more paintings on the way and getting away in a nearby parked car. There were security cameras but no guards noticed the masked visitor.
Read the rest Here

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