
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Painting Inspired by van Gogh and Gauguin, Three Artists by k Madison Moore

Three Artists
after van Gogh and Gauguin


16 x 16 Oil Painting on Canvas
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Art within Art Series

Who doesn't love van Gogh. There is always something more to learn about the masters.
Researching a concept for a new van Gogh Art within Art painting I came across a photo 
of a portrait that Gauguin painted of van Gogh.  The concept I was going for was to take van Gogh's painting of his bedroom and redecorate it. Then when I saw the portrait of van Gogh I thought it would be cool to have Gauguin's portrait of van Gogh painting,  inside of Vincent's bedroom...that makes two artists, then me painting them makes three - " Three Artists"

All of the paintings in the room are my take on van Goghs works as well as all of the vases of sunflowers in the room. He also did many paintings of his own shoes and boots so I thought his shoes on the floor were perfect. I've always liked working in this palette of colors, so warm!
This is the first 16 x 16 I have done and I am now working on a 16 x 20 and a
Peter Max commission of 30 x 24. A lot of work and a lot of fun!
If you have an idea for your own art within art painting Email Me with
your thoughts.

Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin were two of the greatest painters of the late 19th century. A brief but intense collaboration occurred between the two artists. They met in Paris in the autumn of 1887. Each man tried to learn from the other and admired the othe's work. Their collaboration was marked at first by mutual support and dialogue, but there was also competition and friction. The men differed sharply in their views on art: Gauguin favored working from memory and allowing abstract mental processes to shape his images, while Vincent held an unshakable reverence for the physical reality of the observable world of models and Nature. This is reflected in the very different techniques each artist used. But toward the end of 1888, a series of violent incidents around Christmas Eve brought a dramatic end to their collaboration. This is the story of their personal and professional relationship.

This is a very interesting story that I found and wanted to share with you.

'Self-portrait with cut ear' by Vincent Van Gogh. Photograph: Roger-Viollet/Rex Features
Vincent van Gogh's fame may owe as much to a legendary act of self-harm, as it does to his self-portraits. But, 119 years after his death, the tortured post-Impressionist's bloody ear is at the centre of a new controversy, after two historians suggested that the painter did not hack off his own lobe but was attacked by his friend, the French artist Paul Gauguin.

According to official versions, the disturbed Dutch painter cut off his ear with a razor after a row with Gauguin in 1888. Bleeding heavily, Van Gogh then walked to a brothel and presented the severed ear to an astonished prostitute called Rachel before going home to sleep in a blood-drenched bed.
But two German art historians, who have spent 10 years reviewing the police investigations, witness accounts and the artists' letters, argue that Gauguin, a fencing ace, most likely sliced off the ear with his sword during a fight, and the two artists agreed to hush up the truth.

In Van Gogh's Ear: Paul Gauguin and the Pact of Silence, published in Germany, Hamburg-based academics Hans Kaufmann and Rita Wildegans argue that the official version of events, based largely on Gauguin's accounts, contain inconsistencies and that both artists hinted that the truth was more complex.

Van Gogh and Gauguin's troubled friendship was legendary. In 1888, Van Gogh persuaded him to come to Arles in the south of France to live with him in the Yellow House he had set up as a "studio of the south". They spent the autumn painting together before things soured. Just before Christmas, they fell out. Van Gogh, seized by an attack of a metabolic disease became aggressive and was apparently crushed when Gauguin said he was leaving for good.

Kaufmann told the Guardian: "Near the brothel, about 300 metres from the Yellow House, there was a final encounter between them: Vincent might have attacked him, Gauguin wanted to defend himself and to get rid of this 'madman'. He drew his weapon, made some movement in the direction of Vincent and by that cut off his left ear." Kaufmann said it was not clear if it was an accident or an aimed hit.
While curators at the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam stand by the theory of self-mutilation, Kaufmann argues that Van Gogh dropped hints in letters to his brother, Theo, once commenting : "Luckily Gauguin ... is not yet armed with machine guns and other dangerous war weapons."

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