
Saturday, August 25, 2012

A View of Rousseau, Interiors Painting Inspired by Henri Rousseau by k Madison Moore

A View of Rousseau

14 x 14 Interiors Painting on Canvas

Painting with The Masters
Art within Art Series


I guess I was in a pink and blue tones mood when I painted
this one. I designed it without the nude at first but the room seemed
it needed more life so here she is.

The rug was a lot of work but I think I captured that it is an
oriental rug and it works so well with the furniture and other elements.

I would love to have a view like this.
 I always loved Henri Rousseau's " Flaming Painting"
which it the window view for this piece hence the title
" A View of Rousseau"

Born May 21, 1844, in Laval, France, Henri Rousseau attended the lycée there until 1860. While working for a lawyer in 1863, Rousseau was charged with petty larceny and joined the army to avoid scandal. He never saw combat and did not travel outside France, but his colleagues’ adventures in Mexico inspired him to create legends of his own foreign journeys. Upon his father’s death in 1868, Rousseau left the army. The following year he entered the Paris municipal toll-collecting service as a second-class clerk; he was never promoted although he has traditionally been called  La Douanier  customs officer). In 1884 Rousseau obtained a permit to sketch in the national museums. He sent two paintings to the  Salondes  Champs-Elysées in 1885, and from 1886 until his death, he exhibited annually at the Salon 

By 1893 Rousseau retired from the toll service on a small pension and began to paint full-time. The same year the artist met the writer Alfred Jarry, who encouraged him and introduced him into literary circles. In 1899 he wrote a five-act play entitled La Vengeance d’une orpheline russe. A waltz he composed, “Clémence,” was published in 1904. Rousseau became friendly with Robert Delaunay by 1906. In 1908 he began to hold musical and family evenings in his studio. Late that year Picasso arranged a banquet in honor of Rousseau, which was attended by Guillaume Apollinaire, Max Jacob, and Marie Laurencin, among others.

Though no contemporary artist was doing anything even remotely like his work, and critics were unkind (as critics so often are), Henri Rousseau remained supremely confident in his talent. He took it as his due that a younger generation of artists - Picasso, Toulouse-Lautrec, Redon, Gauguin and Kandinsky among them - would draw inspiration from and champion his vision. Rousseau's ultimate goal was to have his paintings hung in the Louvre. I am happy to say that this came to pass, if posthumously..
By 1909 Rousseau’s paintings were acquired by the dealers Ambroise Vollard and Joseph Brummer. His first solo show was arranged in 1909 by Wilhelm Uhde and took place in a furniture shop in the rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs. Rousseau died on September 2, 1910, in Paris. The same year an exhibition of his work in the collection of Max Weber took place at Alfred Stieglitz’s gallery “291” in New York. He was given a retrospective at the Salon des Indépendants in 1911.


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