
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Picasso Inspired Interior Painting, Picasso in The Room by k Madison Moore

Picasso in The Room
Inspired by Pablo Picasso

11 x 14 Interior Oil Painting

Painting with The Masters

Art within Art Series

I was researching for ideas for sofas for new paintings
and ran across a similar sofa to this and fell in love.
This sofa inspired this painting. Here is the link 
Name Design Studio
They were so nice to give me permission to use their
furniture photos. They do such lovely, unique, artistic
work. Check them out when you can. I am about to ask
about a couple more photos for my work.

I have been wanting to do
some of Picasso's from his Black and White Exhibit.
The center painting is the Poster from this exhibit.

Picasso - Black and White Exhibit

Few artists have exerted as considerable an influence over subsequent generations as Pablo Picasso (1881–1973). While his work is often seen through the lens of his diverse styles and subjects, the recurrent motif of black, white, and gray is frequently overlooked. Picasso Black and White presents a unique and illuminating perspective on a lesser-known but fascinating aspect of his formidable body of work. Claiming that color weakens, Picasso purged it from his work in order to highlight the formal structure and autonomy inherent in his art. According to Carmen Giménez, his repeated minimal palette correlates to his obsessive interest in line and form, drawing, and monochromatic and tonal values, while developing a complex language of pictorial and sculptural signs. The recurrent motif of black, white, and gray is evident in his Blue and Rose periods, pioneering investigations into Cubism, neoclassical figurative paintings, and retorts to Surrealism. Even his later works that depict the atrocities of war, allegorical still life's, vivid interpretations of art-historical masterpieces, and his sensual canvases created during his twilight years continued to apply a reduction of color. Picasso Black and White will demonstrate how the artist was continuously investigating, inventing, and drawing in somber and austere monochromatic tones throughout his career.  

For Inquiries Email Me HERE
Don’t forget to mention the Paintings Title


  1. VERY cool looking!! I looked at those couches and chairs at the link and how neat are they?? I can see why they inspired you. Neat!! Love it! Take care, Monica :)

  2. Thanks Monica. Don't they have beautiful designs? :)


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