
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Broken Dreams - Loni Andersons Necklace Inspiration by k Madison Moore

Broken Dreams
Inspired by Loni Anderson’s Necklace
A Gift from Burt Reynolds

Broken Dreams are not the end of the road.  They are the
beginning of new dreams and a new direction in life.

Special Commission

Fine Art Nudes Series
30 x 36 Nude Floral Oil Painting on Canvas

(enhanced with 24 kt Gold)

Visit My Portfolio

Commission Projects Welcome

Night Passion
30  x 36

This is the Blue Nude I just completed for them
that he mentions.

Commission Projects Welcome

Prints and Fine Art Greeting Cards Available

The Collectors idea for this painting

The stones from the necklace are scattered about among the broken clasp to represent their Broken Dreams. The nude represents Loni Anderson’s sexuality as being a sex symbol but was not meant to look like her.

This was a very special commission. My Collectors wife is a hundred percent disabled with MS and has been for many years. My Collector is her full time care giver 24/ 7.  He wanted this necklace so bad as a gift for her. He is such a wonderful man and truly in love with his wife just as much today as ever. He loves to buy her gifts and does so all the time.

They never bought original art and searched the internet for years until they came across mine. I am honored to paint for Ralph and Caryn
now and to bring beauty into their life and home. Thank you for this inspiration.

Here is the email I received after they received their paintings: Thank you again Ralph and Caryn  I hope they make you happy for many years.
Cannot wait to paint for you again.

We received all five paintings. They look great, we love them. You far exceeded any expectations that we had.They all look better in person than on the internet. It would be hard to pick a favorite. The biggest surprise is After six. She looks far better in person.This has been a great experience. We have never purchased or commissioned an oil painting.We hardly ever buy anything without seeing it first.We didn't feel to frightened after looking at your portfolio. Everything you have painted we either liked or loved.We have looked to purchase a nude painting for over a year. We never found anything that really turned us on till we came across your works.The biggest problem with your portfolio is trying to pick which work we like the best. Attached are two photos  of the paintings hanging. Look forward to working with you again. Ralph and Caryn 

Here is the story from the Collector about the Loni Anderson’s Necklace and my inspiration for this painting

Caryn and I are a romantic. After 31 years people are amazed how well we get along. Back in the days when she was working I would send her flowers for no reason. People at work would ask her what did your husband do? Even till this day I will bring her home little gifts for no reason, just like Burt did for Loni. 
This brings us to Burt and Loni. We don't follow celebrities life's at all, and we don't collect any memorable. In December Burt sold over 600 items at Juliens auction. Many of these items were prize possessions . The auction had a lifetime of memory's dating back to his high school days. The news picked up on it quick and came up with ideas why he was selling so many things. Some people I read, believe he is in financial trouble others think he is cleaning house. I don't know what's true. What is sad to us is that we can't through out a shirt we haven't worn in 20 years but he is selling a lifetime of memories. I would think that would have to hurt a lot parting with these items regardless of the reasons for selling them. Loni and Burt have to had to have a pit in their stomach. We felt sad for Loni  and Burt.
 In December Loni sold many personal items at almost the same time at Juliens but in a different catalog. Many of her personal items appeared again at Juliens auction in March. A large number of the items all had the same theme, personal gifts to Loni from Burt. 
When we look at the number of items Burt bought Loni, some many of which didn't seem to be  for special occasion, and than photos where taken of her wearing the items ,tells me that they were crazy about each other. 
He commissioned many paintings to be painted of her. One painting he purchased was a blonde walking on the beach. You could only see the back of the lady. I read that he bought it because it reminded him of her. In all the photos of Loni she appeared  so happy. These two seemed to have the love affair everyone dreams of. I don't think you go out of your way to buy so many gifts without caring deeply for someone.  I know all the gifts that I gave Caryn where out of love. Now I think how in love these two must have been.
The media claims that this was the worst divorce in Hollywood history. To Caryn and I this was a romantic love tragedy, that is very said.  It is so sad that a love affair can turn so badly in only a few years.  We feel sad for both Burt and Loni but especially Loni. The necklace we purchased had three photos of her wearing it. She looks so happy and it was stated Burt gave it to her. Two photos have Burt standing beside her. 
 I wanted this as a gift to Caryn the same way Burt bought it for Loni so I put a bid in and won the necklace. I was thrilled to get it for a very good price.
However, as you know, we are paying many times more for the painting than the necklace. So why is that, you might ask. We have never owned a real oil painting not yet commissioned one to be painted. We wanted to tell this story on canvas. After seeing your Blue series we where impressed. We love nude paintings,we love flowers we love the story, we are crazy about the necklace. 
The flower represents the rebirth of things in spring.  At that time all flowers and trees come to life.(Last year after Easter we decorated our Christmas tree in silk flowers and put two dolls in front of it and called it spring wedding) The necklace represents a circle of love, once the clasp is open the circle is broken, sometimes it cannot be reconnected.. The nude, though not a portrait of Loni, is symbolic of Lonis stunning beauty. Put this all together the painting represent a romantic love tragedy and broken dreams. 
When we display the necklace the clasp won't be joined to represent the broken dreams. If I had any courage I would break the chain, but that would be stupid. Caryn wants to wear it.
Future plains. You name the painting whatever you want. The painting is yours we are only the custodian of it. Your name will attached to it not ours, a hundred years from now. In our house we are going to call it Broken Dreams. I can understand someone not knowing why this is called Broken Dreams  when they don't know the whole story. I am sure Burt an Loni will understand the menaing. You name it what you think is best.
We are keeping all the records of the necklace and all communication between you and I in a binder including the story and this letter. We would like the records to stay with the painting, necklace, photos and story to be passed down in time. We are encouraging the next custodian to add to the story as to how they obtained it and why and what it all means to them. I hope I can look down one day or up and see all the items in the collection on the antiques road show. I can't wait till the read the letter how I pissed of the artist. You and I  will be sitting together having a good laugh.
Once the painting is finished I intended to try to send Loni a photo of the painting and a copy of this letter. 
In closing our hearts go out to Burt and Loni and hope their new dreams are now coming true.

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