
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Painting The Cafe Terrace at Night by k Madison Moore Inspired by van Gogh

Painting The Cafe Terrace at Night
 by Vincent van Gogh

When exhibited for the first time, in 1891, 
the painting was entitled Coffeehouse, in the evening 
(Café, le soir).

This is the  third composition for my
The in Love with van Gogh Project
Hopefully there will be 12 paintings for this project…maybe more!

16” x 20” x 2” van Gogh Inspired Oil Painting on Canvas

A copy of this history is included with the painting.

On it's way to Australia

I just got this lovely email from the collector right after she received her painting. She lives in Australia: Thanks so much Suzanne :)

I have ceased to be amazed by the actions of humankind. But not by their amazing skills, talents and attributes. So when I think I have seen it all - I open a package that I received today to find My Vincent painting by you. It was just as poignant and as wonderful as when I saw it in your email. It is a such a sad indictment of a great talent to see him outside his cafe with his latest painting in the hope that a passerby or patron may see and buy his latest painting. It makes me want to cry, when you know he only sold one painting during his lifetime.  You have a great gift of composition and colour - I know I have said that before, but when you presented an image of sadness and hope amidst such bright colouring, not many people can get that right - and you can.
Utterly wonderful.  It is already hanging - not in the best place, but I will be moving it around the house over the weekend.

Thank you again, and looking forward to creating a 'courtyard' of your artistry.
xxx ooo  

I love Cafe Terrace at Night by van Gogh I have used it before  in 
compositions. This is some interesting history and photos about his 
painting. I added the Starry Night as the sky. Vincent just had stars but I 
thought combining the two paintings would be great. Actually this is a combination of three van Gogh paintings. Below you will see a photo of
the only full body painting of van Gogh.

Here’s the story:

A British couple may have unearthed a long-lost portrait of Vincent Van Gogh after buying it off the internet for just £1,500.
The pastel drawing is believed to be the only full-length portrait of the genius artist in existence and could be worth millions if authenticated.
It is thought to have been painted by a female artist who lived next door to him during his time in Paris.
The picture was simply described on an auction website as 'portrait of a man', but after extensive research, Michael and Mandy Cruickshank believe the work - painted in the 1880s - is of the legendary Dutch impressionist.The painting was found in Versailles where it was last seen in public in 1892.
The couple, from Louth in Lincolnshire, became suspicious by the artist's crumpled hat, similar to one he sketched, and they believed it is the artist in the prime of his artistic career.

In this composition I have Vincent sitting in his painting The Cafe 
Terrace at Night, after finishing his painting The Cafe Terrace at Night…and not  confined to his asylum room where this painting originated.
He is relaxing and having some nice red wine. I wonder, who was he having wine with?

Café Terrace at Night, also known as The Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum, is a colored oil painting created by the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh in Arles, France, mid-September 1888. The painting is not signed, but described and mentioned by the artist in three letters. Here is a large pen drawing of the composition which originates from the artist's estate.

Cafe Terrace at Night by Vincent van Gogh

Visitors of the site can still stand at the northeastern corner of the Place du Forum, where the artist set up his easel. He looked south towards the artificially lit terrace of the popular coffee house, as well as into the enforced darkness of the rue du Palais leading up to the building structure and the the tower of a former church . Towards the right, Van Gogh indicated a lighted shop as well, and some branches of the trees surrounding the place.

After finishing Café Terrace at Night, Van Gogh wrote a letter to his sister expressing his enthusiasm:

I was only interrupted by my work on a new painting representing the exterior of a night café. On the terrace there are small figures of people drinking. An immense yellow lantern illuminates the terrace, the facade, the side walk and even casts light on the paving stones of the road which take a pinkish violet tone. The gables of the houses, like a fading road below a blue sky studded with stars, are dark blue or violet with a green tree. Here you have a night painting without black, with nothing but beautiful blue and violet and green and in this surrounding the illuminated area colours itself sulfur pale yellow and citron green. It amuses me enormously to paint the night right on the spot. Normally, one draws and paints the painting during the daytime after the sketch. But I like to paint the thing immediately. It is true that in the darkness I can take a blue for a green, a blue lilac for a pink lilac, since it is hard to distinguish the quality of the tone. But it is the only way to get away from our conventional night with poor pale whitish light, while even a simple candle already provides us with the richest of yellows and oranges.

This is the first painting in which he used starry backgrounds; he went on to paint star-filled skies in Starry Night Over The Rhone(painted the same month), and the better known The Starry Night a year later. 

The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh

The Starry Night  -  Painted in June 1889  depicts the view from the east-facing window of his asylum room at Saint- Remy-de- Provence, just before sunrise, with the addition of an idealized village.

The Starry Night is the only nocturne in the series of views from his bedroom window. In early June, Vincent wrote to Theo, "This morning I saw the countryside from my window a long time before sunrise with nothing but the morning star, which looked very big" 

Researchers have determined that  Venus was indeed visible at dawn in Provence on the Sprint of 1889 and at that time was near its brightest possible. So the brightest "star" in the painting, just to the viewer's right of the cypress tree, is actually Venus.

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